Scouts Vision and Mission

The Scouts Association strives to contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual potentials as individuals and as members of their communities.
With the support of leaders delivering an inspiring program, it promotes youth welfare, preparing them with skills for life-based on patriotism and noble scouting guidelines. It also provides them with the chance to deal with realistic situations, fostering their flexibility and creativity and preparing them to serve their society.

- Enabling Scouts to be active and responsible citizens;
- Providing Scouts with the ethics, ideals, religious guidelines and skills needed for a constructive behavior;
- Raising Scouts’ awareness on their rights and duties towards society;
- Reinforcing patriotism;
- Involving Scouts in community service. Through activities and projects, Scouts contribute to their communities and become leaders of positive change.

In line with Makassed mission to raise youth based on Islamic culture and empower them to take an active role in society, Makassed Scouts complements the education triangle: school – parents – society by providing young people a non-formal learning environment and strengthening their capacity to face the challenges of tomorrow

Makassed Scouts adopted a 5-year plan to achieve growth and development at all Makassed schools across Lebanon.

- Expand Scout troops in all Makassed schools;
- Promote Scouting to the community and increase its membership;
- Equip clubs and centers affiliated to the Scouts Association;
- Provide sources of self-funding;
- Deliver social development and intervention projects;
- Continue the establishment of the Makassed Scouts City in Aaraya;
- Establish musical bands in all legations.